Important Notes:

  • Daily Catch Limits are the same as the overall Possession Limits, and are the total number of the given fish species that you may have in your boat, your cottage and your home
  • Not all of the species of fish listed below are found in Crane Lake
  • As of 2008 the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources(MNR) has divided various areas of Ontario into Fishing Management Zones; Crane Lake is located in zone 15
  • The information below has been taken from the MNR 2008-2009 Fishing Regulations for the area encompassing Crane Lake; it is provided as-is to guide your fishing on Crane Lake in a responsible and conservative manner.  For up-to-date information and/or further details on the regulations, please visit the appropriate government websites.
  • The MNR has a hot-line for reporting abuse of our natural resources including fishing over-limit – 1-877-TIPS-MNR
  • As of December 19, 2008, we are no longer allowed to keep any Lake Sturgeon caught – catch and release only

Open Seasons (all dates inclusive) – Catch, Possession and Size Limits

SpeciesOpen SeasonPossession (same as daily catch limit) and Size Limits – Sport FishingPossession (same as daily catch limit) and Size Limits – Conservation Fishing
Walleye (Yellow Pickerel) & SaugerJan 1 to Mar 15 & 3rd Sat in May to Dec 31Four (4); not more than one (1) greater than 46 cm (18.1 in.)Two (2); not more than one (1) greater than 46 cm (18.1 in.)
Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass4th Sat in June to Nov 30Six (6)Two (2)
Northern PikeJan 1 to Mar 31 & 3rd Sat in May to Dec 31Six (6)Two (2)
Muskellunge1st Sat in June to Dec 15One (1); must be greater than 91cm (36 in.)Zero (0)
Yellow PerchOpen all yearFifty (50)Twenty-five (25)
CrappieOpen all yearThirty (30)Ten (10)
SunfishOpen all yearFifty (50)Twenty-five (25)
Brook TroutJan 1 to Sept 30Five (5)Two (2)
Brown TroutOpen all yearFive (5)Two (2)
Rainbow TroutOpen all yearFive (5)Two (2)
Lake TroutOpen all yearTwo (2)One (1)
SplakeOpen all yearFive (5)Two (2)
Pacific SalmonOpen all yearFive (5)Two (2)
Atlantic SalmonClosed all yearZero (0)Zero (0)
Lake WhitefishOpen all yearTwelve (12)Six (6)
Lake SturgeonJan 1 to Apr 30 & Jul 1 to Dec 31Zero (0)Zero (0)
Channel CatfishOpen all yearTwelve (12)Six (6)

†          Aggregate catch and possession limit for all Trout and Salmon is Five (5) for Sport Fishing and Two (2) for Conservation Fishing; individual species limits where less, also apply

Exceptions of note:

  • Blackstone Lake: Same Catch, Possession and Size limits as per Crane Lake
  • Blackstone Lake and Creek – Lots 12, 13, 14 in Conc. XII – Conger Twp.: Fish Sanctuary – no fishing from Apr 1 through Friday before 3rd Saturday in May

Fishing links