Proposed Changes to Crane Lake Resort

Proposed Changes to Crane Lake Resort

The Township of the Archipelago forwarded a proposal regarding potential changes to the Crane Lake Resort property. We have recently learned that changes have been made to the original proposal following concerns already expressed by several property owners on Crane Lake and members of the CLA Board. 

As a follow-up to the original TOA mailing, on June 6th, Ian Mead (Township of the Archipelago Counsellor) emailed all residents on Crane and Blackstone Lakes currently on his email distribution list. For those who have not yet received the original package, we encourage you to visit:

Public Hearing - Crane Lake Resort Proposal

It is important to recognize that the revised proposal will be presented at the Public Hearing on July 15th, 2016 at Crane Lake Resort, 2PM. This meeting is obviously open to everyone and provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the current proposal and voice any concerns or ask any questions.  

In our communication with the TOA, we have learned that early feedback from local property owners has brought light to a serious concern regarding access to docks and parking. It is our understanding that negotiations have been successful between the TOA and Crane Lake Resort, who have now come to an agreement that will reduce the potential loss of docking and parking to water access property owners. We are not yet privy to the details of these recent changes to the proposal and there is still more than a week until the Hearing, so more change is possible yet. But we are confident that the changes have been made to the best interests of the Crane Lake community.

The importance of the continued presence of the Marina to our lake community is clear. This proposed severance will provide Mike's Crane Lake Marina Limited with the opportunity to continue operations and continue to service our community.  

Regardless of recent changes to the proposal, the overall change in the use of the Resort property is significant and the proceedings must be watched closely. True to our mandate, the CLA will be specifically monitoring potential impact to our environment, water quality, and the values identified by the community in our recent Lake Plan.  

CLA Annual General Meeting

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Crane Lake Association Annual General Meeting this Saturday, July 9th, 2016, where this will be a topic of discussion in advance of the Public Hearing. Our AGM is open to the entire Crane Lake community and we hope all will attend. 

The Crane Lake Association is closely monitoring the Resort application and will be in attendance at the Public Hearing on July 15th. This Hearing will provide us all with the recent changes to the proposal. We are told that the TOA planners will listen to our concerns and are still able to revise the proposal if necessary. While many public hearings may not allow much time for a response, we are told that due to the importance of this particular topic, the TOA will allow reasonable time for property owners and interested parties to respond in writing or by phone after the meeting. 

Following the Public Hearing, the Crane Lake Association will be in a far better position to understand, evaluate and, if necessary, respond to the TOA and other parties on behalf of our members. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at