Native Plant Giveaway June 12th

June 12th, 2021 10am - 1pm
The Dock at 16 Crane Walker Rd
Pick up your Free Native Plants!

The Crane Lake Association was granted $500 in funding through the Love Your Lake Microgrant to spend on purchasing native plants to make available to our members! On Saturday June 12th, between 10am and 1pm, visit the Cade cottage dock at 16 Crane Walker Road (16CW on the Map) to pick up free plants for your waterfront! Email with questions.

How Does it Work?

Plants will be available for pick-up beginning at 10am on a first-come, first serve basis.
We have:

  • 15 Red Osier Dogwood

    • Medium-sized shrub growing 6-12 feet tall with bright red twigs and stems. White blossoms produce clusters of berries.

  • 32 Spotted Joe-Pye Weed

    • Growing 2-6 feet tall with speckled or purplish stems, flowering in pink to light purple flowerheads.

  • 32 Tall Meadowrue

    • Growing 3-5 feet tall, with stalked leaflets and white flowers made up of stamens.

Households may select 1 of the Red Osier or three of either the Joe-Pye or Meadowrue. These plants are completely free, on the condition that you plant them the weekend of June 12th within the riparian zone (5-10 meters of the shoreline), as they are specifically adapted to localized shoreline conditions.

We ask that you take and share photos of your planting to encourage awareness of the importance of naturalized waterfronts on Crane Lake, and to thank the providers of our funding, Love Your Lake, Watersheds Canada, and the Canadian Wildlife Federation!

Pickup Details

Saturday June 12th, 10am - 1pm at 16 Crane Walker Road, number 16CW (south end of Crane) and marked on the Crane Lake Cottagers Map at the red arrow below. We encourage you to arrive by boat, as the plants will be located on the dock. If you must arrive by car, please honk when you arrive in the parking area so we know to come get you. Please wear a mask and respect all social distancing guidelines.


Why a Native Plant Giveaway?

In 2015, Crane Lake was a participant in the Love Your Lake Program. The Shoreline Assessment Summary Report recommend that shoreline property owners engage in naturalization projects to decrease the percentage of properties classified as ‘ornamental’ and increase those classafied as ‘regenerative’ and ‘natural’. By adding native plants to this zone, property owners can help to protect the water quality of Crane Lake through the restoration of a naturalized waterfront.

Why These Native Plants?

The team at the Georgian Bay Biosphere has been instrumental in helping to build our grant proposal and to help with the execution! They have selected these three species to maximize the impact of our Microgrant through the use of hearty plants, native to Crane Lake and the surrounding region which thrive in lake shore planting areas.

The plants were purchased from the Georgian Bay Biosphere Native Plant Sale, all from a small-scale nursery in Omemee called Grow Wild, who specializes in native plants for restoration projects and native plant gardens. The plants were grown from seeds collected from local indigenous plants to ensure high survival rate.

About Love Your Lake and the Microgrant Sponsors

Love Your Lake is a shoreline evaluation program, providing all property owners on the lake with a personalized property report with details on the state of their shoreline and recommended actions for improving lake health for people and wildlife. Love Your Lake visited Crane Lake in 2015 and is a program coordinated by the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Watersheds Canada.

Canadian Wildlife Federation
The Canadian Wildlife Federation’s mission is to conserve and inspire the conservation of Canada’s wildlife and habitats for the use and enjoyment of all. The Canadian Wildlife Federation conducts its activities through a cooperative approach – working with people, corporations, non-government organizations, and governments to inspire collaboration in achieving wildlife conservation. They use the best available science-based information to develop our policies, programs and communications. CWF prides itself in being accountable and transparent in fulfilling our mission.
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Watersheds Canada
Since incorporation in 2002, Watersheds Canada (formerly Centre for Sustainable Watersheds) has continued its role at the forefront of the water conservation community. To help protect water resources across Canada, Watersheds Canada has developed programs which aim to build leaders in water quality stewardship through a variety of training and educational initiatives, and to encourage their work by providing the necessary tools, resources, and support. Their goal is to support a water conscious community equipped to save our lakes and rivers.
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