Buoys, Fireboat and AED Update 2022

Water Hazard Buoys

The 3 Crane Lake Hazard Buoys have been deployed for the summer (Bump Rock, Overflow Bay & 2nd Narrows) for non-visible navigation hazards greater than 100’ from shore. Please be careful out there with the current lower water level! There are also still some floating branches and dock debris left over from the winter.

Fire Boat

The Fire Boat is in the water, tested and Fire pump connected, ready for service if required.


As of this weekend (Victoria Day Weekend), all the AEDs will be back in their summer homes (one in each portable Fire Pump box and one on the Fire Boat). Please review the following YouTube video for a demonstration on how to use our AEDs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k4cHni8lWo Although it may be initially uncomfortable if you are unfamiliar with use of an AED, please know that it will only deliver a shock if it detects an irregular heart rhythm consistent with a Heart Event. Audible instructions are provided once you turn the device on. You can search YouTube for many additional videos on CPR and AEDs. All of our AEDs are the “Philips Heartstart Onsite” model.